• SEPTEMBER 2013
  • USA
(…) Pol­ish Mu­sic Days pro­ject aims at pop­u­lar­iz­ing Pol­ish cul­ture abroad, both among the Pol­ish di­as­po­ra, and oth­er na­tions. The Pro­ject will pre­sent the best Pol­ish artists who - through their out stand­ing artis­tic per­for­mance - con­tribute to in­creas­ing at­trac­tive­ness of our coun­try. I con­sid­er Pol­ish Mu­sic Days pro­ject to be an ex­treme­ly valu­able ini­tia­tive, and there­fore, it is worth sup­port­ing by Pol­ish in­sti­tu­tions. As a re­sult, Pol­ish mu­si­cal cul­ture will be­come bet­ter

known in Cana­da too.

Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz
Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Canada

(…) The Pro­ject em­braces a se­ries of con­certs by dis­tin­guished Pol­ish artists, with the pro­grams com­prised sole­ly by works of Pol­ish com­posers. I am sure that the con­certs will be valu­able and fas­ci­nat­ing events which will en­rich the lo­cal cul­tur­al of­fer both by the qual­i­ty of the per­for­mances and by the orig­i­nal­i­ty

of the pre­sent­ed mu­sic. (…)

Daniel Gromann
Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney