• SEPTEMBER 2013
  • USA


Born in 1965 in Poland, start­ed his mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion at the age of 5, per­formed with or­ches­tra at the age of 12 Lau­re­ate of many na­tion­al and in­ter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tions, worked un­der Prof. Jan­i­na Bu­tor for 12 years, plac­ing fifth at the"Premio Dino Ciani" Com­pe­ti­tion in Mi­lano in 1980 as the youngest com­peti­tor and in­vit­ed by Niki­ta Ma­g­a­loff to take Mas­ter Class­es in Gene­va im­me­di­ate­ly af­ter. In 1987 grad­u­at­ed with hon­ors from the Ka­tow­ice Acade­my of Mu­sic un­der the guid­ance of Prof. An­drzej Jasińs­ki, earned his Ph.D. 9 years lat­er.

Lau­re­ate of the Third Prize at The F. Chopin In­ter­na­tion­al Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion in War­saw in 1985 and nu­mer­ous top prizes at pi­ano com­pe­ti­tions in Palm Beach (Flori­da, USA), Mon­za (I­taly), Dublin (Ire­land), Gold Medal at The A Ru­bin­stein In­ter­na­tion­al Pi­ano Mas­ter Com­pe­ti­tion in Tel Aviv (Is­rael), the"Jorge Bo­let"" Prize at the Wal­ter Naum­burg Foun­da­tion In­ter­na­tion­al Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion in New York, and Sec­ond Prize at The Es­ther Ho­nens In­ter­na­tion­al Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion in Cal­gary, Cana­da.

At the age of 20, Jablon­s­ki be­gan per­form­ing on stages in Eu­rope, North and South Amer­i­ca, Mex­i­co, Is­rael, South Ko­rea, and Japan. He has per­formed in many pres­ti­gious con­cert halls, in­clud­ing ap­pear­ances on the Mas­ter Con­cert Se­ries at the Berlin­er Phil­har­monie. Mr. Jablon­s­ki has also per­formed with promi­nent cham­ber mu­sic en­sem­bles, co-­found­ed "Chopin Duo" (with T. Strahl — Cel­lo)) in 1999 which was ac­tive till 2011 Since 2004 he is a Mem­ber of "The War­saw Pi­ano Quin­tet" (K­win­tet Warsza­ws­ki) which was first found­ed by Wla­dys­law Szpil­man in 1962 Fre­quent­ly per­form­ing with Kon­stan­ty An­drzej Kul­ka (vi­o­lin). Jablon­s­ki worked with many or­ches­tras and con­duc­tors un­der the ba­ton of J. Krenz, K. Pen­derec­ki, W Row­ic­ki, J. Semkow, A Wit, A Boreyko, M. Dworzyn­s­ki, J. Lopez-­Co­bos, S. Comis­siona, M. Bernar­di, Y. Tezu­ka and R. Zoll­man, to name just a few.

From 1999 to 2006 Mr. Jablon­s­ki was close­ly col­lab­o­rat­ing with Grand The­atre — Na­tion­al Opera in War­saw, Poland, per­form­ing reg­u­lar­ly the mu­sic for a bal­let en­ti­tled "Fortepi­anis­si­mo" which was de­vel­oped around the mu­sic of Chopin. Be­tween 2002 and 2006 he was also fre­quent­ly per­form­ing the orig­i­nal pi­ano ver­sion of the C. De­bussy's Pel­leas et Melisande lyrique dra­ma (opera).

Over last two years Jablon­s­ki per­formed with such promi­nent en­sem­bles as the Or­ches­tra of the 18th Cen­tu­ry con­duct­ed by Frans Brueggen, Bern­er Sym­phonie-Orch­ester, Je­naer Phil­har­monie, Ham­burg­er Sym­phoniker, Ra­dio-S­in­fonieorch­ester Stuttgart des SWR, and Fes­ti­val Or­ches­tra of the Grand Teton Mu­sic Fes­ti­val. He was in­vit­ed by An­drey Boreyko to per­form Scri­abin's "Promethee" with the Na­tion­al Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra in War­saw and with Dues­sel­dor­fer Sym­phoniker. He was soloist with Lahti Sym­pho­ny Or­ches­tra un­der the ba­ton of Atso Almi­la, played cham­ber mu­sic with Arto No­ras (Cel­lo). He per­formed recitals dur­ing NATO Sum­mit in Krakow, Poland as well as Open­ing Recital of the Chopin Year Cel­e­bra­tion at the Sen­ate of the Re­pub­lic of Poland. He was also in­vit­ed to per­form mu­sic by F. Chopin dur­ing open­ing of the Wiener Opern­ball in Vi­en­na to­geth­er with the Vi­en­na State Opera Bal­let chore­ographed by Gior­gio Ma­dia. In 2010 he per­formed many con­certs in con­junc­tion with F. Chopin 200th Birth An­niver­sary Cel­e­bra­tion. He played for thou­sands of lis­ten­ers in June of 2010 at the Grant Park Mu­sic Fes­ti­val at the Jay Pritzk­er Pavil­ion in Mil­len­ni­um Park in Chica­go with Grant Park Or­ches­tra un­der the ba­ton of Krzysztof Ur­ban­s­ki and num­ber of con­certs with Na­tion­al Pol­ish Ra­dio Sym­pho­ny Or­ches­tra in Ka­tow­ice un­der the ba­ton of such promi­nent con­duc­tors as Krzysztof Pen­derec­ki and Jerzy Maksymiuk.

More re­cent­ly, Jablon­s­ki per­formed un­der the ba­ton of Tat­suya Shi­mono with the Kirishi­ma Fes­ti­val Or­ches­tra in Japan, and Ra­dio Sym­pho­ny Or­ches­tra in Bei­jing un­der the ba­ton of Fan Tao in Novem­ber of 2012 Fu­ture en­gage­ments (2013-2015) in­clude per­for­mances with Is­tam­bul State Sym­pho­ny Or­ches­tra, Tokyo Metropoli­tan Sym­pho­ny and Yomi­uri Nip­pon Sym­pho­ny to name a few.

Mr. Jablon­s­ki has made many live record­ings for ra­dio and tele­vi­sion in many coun­tries. He has record­ed CDs in Ger­many, Japan, and Poland in­clud­ing three CDs (E­tudes, Pre­ludes and Im­promp­tus and Works for Pi­ano and Or­ches­tra) in con­junc­tion with The Na­tion­al Edi­tion of F. Chopin's Works pro­ject, Pi­ano Quin­tets by G. Bacewicz and J. Zareb­s­ki with War­saw Quin­tet and com­plete cham­ber works by F. Chopin with T. Strahl and K.A. Kul­ka.

Since 1994, Mr. Jablon­s­ki taught pi­ano, ini­tial­ly at the Mu­sic Acade­my in Wro­claw, Poland, and lat­er, at the Acade­my of Mu­sic in Ka­tow­ice, Poland. He is a Full Pro­fes­sor of The Fry­deryk Chopin Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic in War­saw, Poland since 2004 In ad­di­tion to aca­dem­ic re­spon­si­bil­i­ties, he pre­sents Mas­ter Class­es, lec­tures and ad­ju­di­cates at in­ter­na­tion­al pi­ano com­pe­ti­tions. Jablon­s­ki was Jury Mem­ber of The XV In­ter­na­tion­al F. Chopin Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion in War­saw in 2005, In­ter­na­tion­al F. Chopin Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion in ASIA, and The Sev­enth Na­tion­al Chopin Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion of the Unit­ed States. He served as Chair of the Jury of The Third Cana­di­an Chopin Pi­ano Com­pe­ti­tion in March of 2010 and Cham­ber Mu­sic Com­pe­ti­tion in Bei­jing in 2012 Reg­u­lar­ly teach­ing dur­ing Kirishi­ma In­ter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val in Japan and Morn­ing­side Mu­sic Bridge in Cal­gary, Cana­da.

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